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MyChart Frequently Asked Questions

About MyChart

What is MyChart?

MyChart offers patients personalized and secure on-line access to portions of their medical records. It enables you to securely use the Internet to help manage and receive information about your health. With MyChart, you can use the Internet to:

  • Request medical appointments.
  • View your health summary from the MyChart electronic health record.
  • View test results.
  • Access trusted health information resources.

"MyChart" is not your official University Hospital medical record and does not contain all the information that is in a patient's complete medical record. You can get a copy of your official University Hospital medical record from the Medical Record department of University Hospital. Further Information on Medical Records

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Is there a fee to use MyChart?

MyChart is a free service offered to our patients.

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What do I need to use MyChart?

You need access to a computer or mobile device connected to the Internet and an up-to-date browser (such as Edge, Chrome, Firefox, or Safari). You can also use the MyChart mobile app on a mobile device.

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How is MyChart secure?

We take great care to ensure your health information is kept private and secure. Access to information is controlled through secure activation codes, personal usernames, and passwords. Each person controls their password, and the account must be accessed using that password. On mobile, the account may also be accessed using face ID or fingerprint login. Unlike conventional email, all MyChart messaging is done while you are securely logged in to our website or mobile app.

You can ensure that your account stays secure even if someone else has your username or password by turning on two-step verification. When this feature is turned on, you must enter a code that is sent to you by email or text message to log in to MyChart, in addition to using your username and password. For more information, check out our helpful video on two-step verification.

You might receive email or text notifications that contain links to MyChart. These notifications allow you to login to MyChart securely using a link that expires after a short time. Keeping your MyChart account secure means keeping your phone number and email account secure. If you think that your phone number or email account may be compromised, you can change the phone number or email account on file on the "Personal Information" page in MyChart.

For further assistance, email us at MYCHART HELP.

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Enrollment Questions

How do I sign up?

There are several different methods of MyChart signup that might be used by different departments across your healthcare organization:

  • Clinic staff might sign you up directly while you're at the front desk or in the exam room.
  • You might receive a MyChart activation code on your After Visit Summary or on a billing statement.
  • You might receive a text message or email with an activation code when you come in for a visit.
  • You might be able to use self-signup online to create a MyChart account by matching your information against what is on file in your medical record or with third-party identity verification.

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Can you send me a new activation code if I have lost it, let it expire, or did not receive it?

If you don't have an activation code, you can request one on the sign-up page. You can also contact us at MYCHART HELP. After we verify your information, you will receive a new code.

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My activation code does not work. What should I do?

For your security, your activation code expires after a set period of time and is no longer valid after the first time you use it. If you still have problems, email us at MYCHART HELP.

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Your Medical Record

When can I see my test results in MyChart?

With MyChart, you can view most test results as soon as they become available. Know that you will likely see results before your healthcare provider has had a chance to review them. After your provider reviews your results, you might see additional comments and interpretation in MyChart.

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If I send a message to my provider, when can I expect a reply?

You will generally receive a response within 1-3 business days. Note that MyChart messages should not be used for urgent situations. Please contact your medical center if the situation requires immediate attention or dial 911 if it is an emergency.

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Where can I update my personal information?

On the Personal Information page in MyChart, you can update your address, phone number, email address, preferred name, and other personal details at any time so that your clinic always has the most up-to-date information in your record.

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What should I do if some of my information in MyChart is incorrect?

Your MyChart information comes directly from your electronic medical record at your provider's office. Ask your provider to correct any inaccurate information at your next clinic visit. Your health information is reviewed and updated in your electronic medical record after each visit.

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MyChart for My Family

Can I view a family member's medical record in MyChart?

Yes, you can. MyChart proxy access allows you to access the medical records of your family members and others you care for, with their permission. You must be at least 13 years old to have proxy access to another person's medical record.

You might also want to grant a family member or friend access to your medical records when you need assistance managing your appointments and other medical needs. To give someone access to your medical record, grant access via a proxy invite through the Friends and Family Access page in MyChart.

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Can my spouse and I share one MyChart account?

No, due to the sensitive nature of medical information, each person must have their own MyChart account.

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Technical Questions

I forgot my username or password. What should I do?

If you're having trouble logging in, click the "Forgot Username?" or "Forgot Password?" link below the login fields for assistance. You will go through two-step verification to verify your identity so you can recover your username or password. You can also contact our MyChart Patient Support Line at MYCHART HELP to request assistance.

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I didn't receive my two-step verification code. What should I do?

Try checking the spam or junk folders in your email. If the email with your code is not there, try clicking Resend Code. If you still didn't receive the email, it could be that your account has a different email address on file. If you have multiple email accounts, check one of the others to see if the verification code was sent there instead. If none of your accounts received the email, it could be that we don't have an email address on file. If this is the case, Contact our MyChart Patient Support Line at MYCHART HELP for quick support.

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I was logged out of MyChart. What happened?

We aim to protect your privacy and information. If you remain idle for 10 minutes or more after you log in to MyChart, you will be automatically logged out. We recommend that you log out of MyChart if you need to leave your computer for even a short period of time.

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What do I do if I get locked out of my account?

To have your account re-activated, send an email request to MYCHART HELP.

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I have multiple MyChart accounts. How do I link them together?

If you've been seen at another healthcare organization, you might be able to view information from that medical record right in MyChart. You might have heard of this feature referred to as Happy Together. This includes information from other organizations, such as:

  • Allergies
  • Care team
  • Health issues
  • Medications
  • Messages
  • Test results
  • Visits

To view this information, you must link your account. Check out our video tutorial on how to do this.

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How do I delete my account?

You can request that we deactivate your account by contacting the MyChart Patient Support Line at MYCHART HELP.

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Who do I contact if I have further questions?

Email us at MYCHART HELP.

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